3./ -D -u root -p password -l vmfs
/ --help 0.5.0
This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public Licence (see
VMWare Infrastructure plugin
Usage: -D
[ -x
[ -t
[ -V ] [ -h ]
-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Read options from an ini file. See
for usage and examples.
-H, --host=
ESX or ESXi hostname.
-C, --cluster=
ESX or ESXi clustername.
-D, --datacenter=
Datacenter hostname.
-N, --name=
Virtual machine name.
-u, --username=
Username to connect with.
-p, --password=
Password to use with the username.
-f, --authfile=
Authentication file with login and password. File syntax :
-w, --warning=THRESHOLD
Warning threshold. See
for the threshold format.
-c, --critical=THRESHOLD
Critical threshold. See
for the threshold format.
-l, --command=COMMAND
Specify command type (CPU, MEM, NET, IO, VMFS, RUNTIME, ...)
-s, --subcommand=SUBCOMMAND
Specify subcommand
-S, --sessionfile=SESSIONFILE
Specify a filename to store sessions for faster authentication
-x, --exclude=
Specify black list
-o, --options=
Specify additional command options
-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 30)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
Supported commands(^ means blank or not specified parameter) :
Common options for VM, Host and DC :
* cpu - shows cpu info
+ usage - CPU usage in percentage
+ usagemhz - CPU usage in MHz
^ all cpu info
* mem - shows mem info
+ usage - mem usage in percentage
+ usagemb - mem usage in MB
+ swap - swap mem usage in MB
+ overhead - additional mem used by VM Server in MB
+ overall - overall mem used by VM Server in MB
+ memctl - mem used by VM memory control driver(vmmemctl) that controls ballooning
^ all mem info
* net - shows net info
+ usage - overall network usage in KBps(Kilobytes per Second)
+ receive - receive in KBps(Kilobytes per Second)
+ send - send in KBps(Kilobytes per Second)
^ all net info
* io - shows disk io info
+ read - read latency in ms (totalReadLatency.average)
+ write - write latency in ms (totalWriteLatency.average)
^ all disk io info
* runtime - shows runtime info
+ status - overall host status (gray/green/red/yellow)
+ issues - all issues for the host
^ all runtime info
VM specific :
* cpu - shows cpu info
+ wait - CPU wait time in ms
+ ready - CPU ready time in ms
* mem - shows mem info
+ swapin - swapin mem usage in MB
+ swapout - swapout mem usage in MB
+ active - active mem usage in MB
* io - shows disk I/O info
+ usage - overall disk usage in MB/s
* runtime - shows runtime info
+ con - connection state
+ cpu - allocated CPU in MHz
+ mem - allocated mem in MB
+ state - virtual machine state (UP, DOWN, SUSPENDED)
+ consoleconnections - console connections to VM
+ guest - guest OS status, needs VMware Tools
+ tools - VMWare Tools status
Host specific :
* net - shows net info
+ nic - makes sure all active NICs are plugged in
* io - shows disk io info
+ aborted - aborted commands count
+ resets - bus resets count
+ kernel - kernel latency in ms
+ device - device latency in ms
+ queue - queue latency in ms
* vmfs - shows Datastore info
+ (name) - free space info for datastore with name (name)
^ all datastore info
* runtime - shows runtime info
+ con - connection state
+ health - checks cpu/storage/memory/sensor status
+ maintenance - shows whether host is in maintenance mode
+ list(vm) - list of VMWare machines and their statuses
* service - shows Host service info
+ (names) - check the state of one or several services specified by (names), syntax for (names):
^ show all services
* storage - shows Host storage info
+ adapter - list bus adapters
+ lun - list SCSI logical units
+ path - list logical unit paths
DC specific :
* io - shows disk io info
+ aborted - aborted commands count
+ resets - bus resets count
+ kernel - kernel latency in ms
+ device - device latency in ms
+ queue - queue latency in ms
* vmfs - shows Datastore info
+ (name) - free space info for datastore with name (name)
^ all datastore info
* runtime - shows runtime info
+ list(vm) - list of VMWare machines and their statuses
+ listhost - list of VMWare esx host servers and their statuses
+ tools - VMWare Tools status
* recommendations - shows recommendations for cluster
+ (name) - recommendations for cluster with name (name)
^ all clusters recommendations
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